Friday, August 20, 2010

this isn't about love.

It's not about who was wrong or right. It's not about where we came from or even where we will end up. When it all breaks down. Who inspires you to be your best?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

in the end

Wow! I haven't wrote on here in forever. So I am at a dilema. All my life I thought love is what I wanted. I had relationships where I tried way to hard to make it something emotional and serious. I'm so over all that. I've been with a guy where all we did was think about love and I don't need that now. I need fun. Excitement. Entertainment. I just want to relax and not know what each day is gonna bring. Laying in bed and watching movies isn't much my style these days. Its time to go out and act stupid and forget what we did. Its time to let go of all the worries and just forget my responsibilites. I should have taken that kind of relationship when I had the chance.